Vlad Smishkewych, host of new series ‘The Astrolabe’ on RTÉ lyric fm
1 September 2015
Beginning September 1st, Vlad Smishkewych stars as host and writer of RTÉ lyric fm’s new series The Astrolabe. What can listeners expect to hear on The Astrolabe? Here’s a glimpse, from the programme’s webpage.
Have you ever wondered why we humans make music, or why musical traditions sound the way they do? How about why there are so many songs about love, or why sad songs sound sad? Did we always like music with a beat, or is rhythm a fashion that comes and goes?
Every week, you can join host Vlad Smishkewych as he takes you across the globe—or around the corner—to explore how people have expressed culture through music, and to find out how music has tackled just about every topic under the sun. Sometimes taking things from a scientific angle, other times speaking from the artist’s heart, this hour of varied and unlikely music is sure to prime your ears and your brain. Astrolabe will spin tracks and delve into topics ranging from “Musical DNA” and “Musical Evolution and Revolution”, to “Music, Attraction, and Sex” and “Cults and Cosmic Music”. No subject is too out-of-this-world! Prepare to have your ears and mind opened on The Astrolabe.
Don’t forget to tune in to 96-99 RTÉ lyric fm at 7pm Irish time or via the web at:

Vlad Smishkewych hired as New Announcer & Producer of
21 March 2015
On 21 March, Vlad Smishkewych launched, the new webradio station of REMA, the European Early Music Network. As part of his work with REMA, Vlad covers REMA network member festivals, young artist competitions, and artists both veteran and new. Tune in at for regular live weekly programmes about Early Music Festivals, new & emerging ensembles, special topics in early music, and news from REMA. Don’t forget to check out’s programming calendar and podcast listing.

Night Visions Recital of German Lieder
20 February 2014
Wolodymyr Smishkewych, tenor, and Yonit Kosovske, piano, performed a concert of German Lieder as part of the Irish World Academy’s Lunchtime Concert Series, Irish World Academy, University of Limerick.

Wolodymyr Smishkewych appointed Course Director of MA Ritual Chant and Song at Irish World Academy of Music and Dance
13 April 2011
As of this April, Wolodymyr Smishkewych has been appointed to the faculty of the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (University of Limerick, Ireland) as the new Course Director of the MA in Ritual Chant and Song. For more details, click here.